How To Apply At Petco

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So You Wanna Work with Wiggly Butts and Feathered Friends: A Guide to Conquering the Petco Application

Let's face it, your resume is a tired document. It's seen more rejections than a basket of expired catnip. But fear not, fellow animal enthusiast, because a glorious opportunity awaits! Petco, the land of squeaky toys and questionable fish tank cleaning smells, is calling your name (and hopefully, not the name of that goldfish you "accidentally" overfed).

But before you waltz in sporting a parrot on your shoulder and a ferret snuggled down your shirt (tempting, I know), there's the small hurdle of the application. Here's your survival guide, guaranteed to make your application go from "meh" to "meowgical" (yes, I made up that word. Deal with it).

Step 1: Unleash Your Inner Animal Whisperer (or at least sound semi-competent)

The application form is your chance to shine brighter than a disco ball in a parakeet cage. Highlight your experience with animals, even if it involved mostly convincing your grandma's cat not to judge you eternally. Did you volunteer at a shelter? Walk your neighbor's pug? Performed emergency goldfish CPR (it happens!)? Shout it from the digital rooftops!

Bonus points for:

  • Knowing the difference between a ferret and a particularly dramatic sock. (Let's be honest, some socks can be pretty sassy these days).
  • Successfully calming down a yowling cat with a strategically placed feather toy.
  • **Having a dog that can perform a paw-shake that would impress even the snobbiest poodle. (Because let's face it, poodles can be snobs).

Step 2: Channel Your Inner Hemingway (but with less daiquiris and existential dread)

The resume. It's your chance to brag (but tastefully). Don't just list your duties at previous jobs. Craft a narrative! Turn that time you cleaned up a dog-vomit incident into a heroic tale of conquering olfactory nightmares. Did you help a customer find the perfect food for their finicky feline? You're basically a feline Dr. Doolittle!


  • Proofread like a hawk! Typos are the kryptonite of resumes.
  • Keep it concise. Attention spans shorter than a goldfish's memory, people!

Step 3: Dress to Impress (Even if the Interview is Over Zoom)

Yes, you might be working with animals, but that doesn't mean show up in your pajamas (although, comfy for the interview process? Debatable). Look presentable, but prioritize comfort. After all, you might need to demonstrate your ability to wrestle a particularly enthusiastic puppy.

Pro tip: Wear clothes that won't show every single piece of fur you inevitably collect throughout the day. Trust me, future you will thank you.

Step 4: Unleash Your Inner Enthusiasm (Because Who Doesn't Love Talking About Pets?)

The interview is your chance to shine brighter than a betta fish's scales. Be prepared to answer questions about your animal knowledge, but also let your passion flow. Talk about your own pets! Gush about the time you helped a customer reunite with their lost hamster! (Just maybe downplay the time you accidentally dyed your poodle purple with Kool-Aid. Hiring managers might not appreciate that level of creativity).

Remember: Enthusiasm is contagious! If you're excited about working with animals, it will show.

Bonus points for:

  • Knowing some fun facts about exotic pets. Impress them with your knowledge of chinchilla fur or the proper way to hold a bearded dragon!
  • Having a story about a time you helped an animal in need. Everyone loves a hero (especially one who doesn't involve capes and tights).

And Finally... Don't Forget the Power of the Pawsitive

Believe in yourself, future Petco employee! With a little preparation and a whole lot of animal love, you'll be conquering doggy daycare and charming grumpy cats in no time. Remember, applications are just the first step. The real adventure awaits you in the wonderful world of working with furry (or feathery, or scaly) friends!

