Stevie Richards responds after AEW blocks his "What went wrong" video about Jon Moxley'srecentma

Stevie Richards, a former member of the WWE roster, has time and again given some valuable insights into the sport via his YouTube channel. He captures the audience's interest with his videos that talk about everything in the business - including technical aspects of wrestling moves.

He was one of the several analysts who made a video about the recent botch that occurred in the match between Jon Moxley and Ray Fenix - which also brought the referee, Rick Knox, into the limelight for a while - but in a bad way. Fans on social media were asking for him to be suspended.

Now, Stevie Richards has gone on his social media to say that AEW has blocked his 'What Went Wrong' video that gave a detailed insight into the botch.

Stevie Richards' earlier video about Nia Jax and Rhea Ripley said Jax could have severely injured Rhea

Stevie Richards' videos are garnering a good number of views, even though they are critical of some wrestlers and matches. For example, one of his earlier videos described how Nia Jax could have seriously injured Ripley during their segment on WWE Raw.

"This is an excellent shot of Nia on the second rope, about to come off the second rope onto Rhea. I was hoping maybe a Vader Splash something like that, still snug, still tight, still knocks the wind out of you, but essentially safe. That's not what happened. (...) I wanna show you frame by frame what's wrong with this. Now, as she's jumping off, her hands right here should stay on the rope to protect Rhea Ripley, to not crush her ribs," he said.

Media companies restricting videos due to copyright issues is par for the course for any YouTuber. But with Tony Khan's AEW singling out this particular video about a botch and Jon Moxley's in-ring injury at AEW Grand Slam, the company's standpoint on such videos raises many questions.

What do you think about the AEW blocking videos on YouTube? Tell us in the comments section.

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