Why did Voldemort accept Snape?

Lord Voldemort himself thought that Snape was on the inside getting information for and empowering the Death Eaters, when really he was on Dumbledore's side and was able to hide that fact because he was extremely good at Legilimency.

Why did Voldemort trusted Snape?

Voldemort trusts Snape because he's good at his job as a double spy and as an Occlumens. Voldemort is so conceited that he probably just doesn't expect Snape could be a better Occlumens than he is a Legilimens.

Did Voldemort trust Snape the most?

Snape seems to enjoy Voldemort's confidence as well. The reason, again, lies in Voldemort's arrogant confidence in his abilities as a Legilimens. He doesn't trust Snape as Dumbledore does, but he believes that he can detect any disloyalty.

Is Snape a half-blood or pureblood?

Snape was a half-blood. With people like Bellatrix in his house, he had to have heard the purity of his blood questioned at least a few times. His fellow Slytherins did not step up to his defense when he was attacked by two purebloods.

Who did Voldemort think Snape's source was?

Snape's informant was the portrait of Dumbledore. It was Dumbledore's idea to move Harry prior to his 17th birthday and it was Dumbledore's idea to use polyjuice potion to create 7 Harrys.

Why Voldemort Never Discovered Snape's True Loyalty

Did Voldemort know Snape was a spy?

Voldemort in turn knew the first half of the prophecy from Snape. He knew from his own knowledge of the wizarding world and his spies (presumably) that the prophecy could refer to either the Potters or the Longbottoms, and he knew from Snape that Dumbledore knew this too (if not more).

Why did James Potter bully Snape?

James and Snape had a strong rivalry throughout their time at Hogwarts. To Remus and Sirius, the reason this rivalry began was due to Snape's jealousy over James' talent at Quidditch and his popularity, as well as Snape's interest in the Dark Arts, which James despised.

Is Tom Riddle a Mudblood?

But Being a Mudblood, Voldemort Proved himself a Great Dark Wizard and Instead Intended to Clear off the Way for Slytherins to keep up Pure Blood Running through their Viens.

Why did Bellatrix call Harry a half-blood?

Harry is a half-blood, like the half-blood prince, because his mother was a muggleborn (aka a mud-blood). In the wizarding world there are: purebloods: those with wizard parents and grandparents. muggleborns: those with muggle parents and grandparents.

Is Dumbledore related to Godric Gryffindor?

Why Albus Dumbledore is a descendant of Godric Gryffindor : r/harrypotter.

Was Snape loyal to Dumbledore or Voldemort?

Snape's loyalty to Voldemort was never as deep as his loyalty to Lily. Since Snape was always primarily on Lily's side, Voldemort's ambitions to harm Lily drew a line in the sand that Snape could not cross. He would certainly never return his loyalty to the one that murdered Lily.

Did Voldemort know Snape tried to stop Quirrell?

He only knew Quirrel was trying to steal the stone. Snape explained to Bellatrix that had he known it was Voldemort trying to steal the stone he would have assisted but since he didn't know he had to stop Quirrel or else Dumbledore would get suspicious.

Why didn't Voldemort reveal himself to Snape?

He was afraid that if he revealed himself to Snape, Snape might turn him over to Dumbledore and/or the Ministry and Voldy wouldn't be able to defend himself given his weakened state.

Who did Voldemort trust the most?

Voldemort admired intelligence, and Snape was one of the best-read wizards around. He advised Voldemort on many matters and became one of his most trusted allies. Snape was also extremely loyal to Voldemort-- up until Lily Evan's life was at risk.

Was Snape loyal to Voldemort?

Snape was likely loyal enough to earn a reward, and he was the one to tell him of the prophecy so he'd know of the danger and be able to kill the boy, so it wouldn't matter if he was the Dark Lord's favorite.

Is Harry's dad a pure-blood?

Print. Harry James Potter holds half-blood status in Rowling's imagined wizarding world because his mother is Muggle-born and his father is pure-blood. There are three main blood statuses; pure-blood, half-blood, and Muggle-born, which are all methods of determining a witch or wizard's magical lineage.

Is Dumbledore a pureblood?

An interesting fact of note is that despite the ideals that pure-bloods are inherently more powerful wizards, some of the most powerful or particularly adept wizards and witches in the series are in fact either half-blood (such as Lord Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape and Harry Potter) or ...

Why is Albus Severus Potter a half-blood?

Similarly, the protagonist Harry Potter was very nearly sorted into Slytherin, and he's considered a half-blood due to his maternal Muggle grandparents. The moral of the story: Albus Potter was sorted into Slytherin because Slytherin isn't solely comprised of pure-bloods.

Is Voldemort a virgin?

By the time he was Lord Voldemort (despite what I said earlier about the graveyard scene), Tom Riddle had become fully and completely asexual. So my answer to the question is yes, Lord Voldemort was a virgin.

Does Hagrid know Tom Riddle is Voldemort?

In Half-Blood Prince when Dumbledore shows Harry the memories related to Voldemort he never mentions that Hagrid had any idea that Tom Riddle was Voldemort, even when they discussed the part about Riddle opening Chamber of Secrets and framing Hagrid for it.

What was the Marauders nickname for Snape?

The Marauders were all members of Gryffindor House and greatly despised their Slytherin enemy, Severus Snape. It was discovered in Harry Potter's fifth year at Hogwarts that James and Sirius often bullied Snape (calling him 'Snivellus' and using humiliating spells on him), while Peter cheered them on.

What did the Marauders call Snape?

When Sirius complains about boredom, James spies one of their favorite targets, Severus Snape, sitting alone and decides to start a confrontation with him. Shouting out their favorite nickname for Snape – “Snivellus” – James disarms him with “Expelliarmus,” and uses the Impediment Jinx to make him fall down.

Did James forgive Snape?

No. There is nothing written about James ever apologizing to Snape for his bullying and harassment.
